New! DigNittany Forum

Dom 1

After six years of posting on DigNittanyVolleyball, we finally decided to get the ball rolling by adding a New Forum.  To help you register and access the Forum, we’ve added three new links to the Menu Bar at the top of the page:

  • New! Forum (which takes you straight to the new forum);
  • Forum Register (which takes you to the new forum’s Registration page); and
  • Contact Us/Forum Login (which takes you straight to the new forum after you login).

We think the new forum will be a great place for volleyball fans to talk about Penn State Women’s Volleyball and share news and questions about the team.  We also have an Off Topic  forum, so we can try to keep the DigNittany Forum limited to volleyball.

The ProBoards layout is familiar to many, and offers lots of customization options.  We hope you’ll join the community, and will let us know what you think we can do better.