Here’s DigNittany’s North Pole Poll (It’s Cold at the Top), in which we lift the AVCA poll votes of Russ Rose, Christy Johnson-Lynch and John Dunning (a link to all the votes can be found in the lower left-hand column of the AVCA poll page if you Click Here) and add the votes of our own lionsfan.
Yet another #1 (and #2) — it was a rough week for leaders. Hey Wahine fans — we love you more than the AVCA! B1G still looking good, with four teams in our Top 10 (only three in the AVCA):
DigNittanyVolleyball's North Pole Poll (It's Cold at the Top) 10-21-13
For comparison, here are the AVCA and Rich Kern Top 10 polls (with Pablo rankings — courtesy of Rich Kern):