2015 DigNittany Updates: Player Matrix, Recruiting Matrix, 2015 Roster (Unofficial)

LionessLions Roar








As someone we know once said (to our amusement): “On a going forward basis, the past is history.” Looking at the Penn State Women’s Volleyball team for 2015 and beyond, that happens to be 100% accurate. Whatever happened in 2014 is in the past — in 2015, even though all but four players return, it will be a new team.

To help us keep that in mind, we’ve updated our Player Matrix and Recruiting Matrix, and created an unofficial 2015 Roster. You can access each of them by clicking on the links below. This is a bare-bones post — we’ll have more on the impact of the graduation of Micha Hancock, Nia Grant, Dom Gonzalez and Lacey Fuller in upcoming posts. But for now, just the facts.

Click Image for Player Matrix
Click Image for Player Matrix
Click Image for Recruiting Matrix
Click Image for Recruiting Matrix
Click Image for 2015 Roster (Unofficial)
Click Image for 2015 Roster (Unofficial)

Updated as of 6-23-2015