Thanks for the Videos; How About Some Microphones!
Penn State has posted a video from its 2011 Women’s Volleyball Media Day, featuring interviews with Russ Rose, Darcy Dorton, and Katie Slay. We’re thrilled — lots of great comments from all three, as you can see for yourself in the video below.
But, at the risk of sounding ungrateful, would it kill the Penn State Sports Information Department to supply microphones for the questioners so that those of us who weren’t there can know what questions were asked? As it is, we know there is a question being asked, because we can hear a faint murmuring in the background, and the person to whom it’s being directed is looking intently at someone (whom we can’t see or hear). But that’s all we know.
And then we hear the answer to . . . some question we didn’t hear. Could have been “What’s the biggest pencil in the world” [Editor’s Note: Pennsylvania]. Or something else. We don’t know because we can’t hear the question.
So, come on, gopsusports! Spring for a microphone or two!
There, we feel better. Now, here are a few of our favorite quotes from the interviews, followed by the video:
Russ Rose:
When the poll came out [the AVCA poll naming Penn State preseason #1] I said to the players “Do you think you’re the number one team in the country?” and none of them said yes. And I said “Would you like to be the number one team in the country?” and a few of them said yes. And then I said “Well, then you have to get to work.”
I know the lady to my right [Darcy Dorton] came back and is in great shape and worked hard and had a great preseason, and I’m happy for her.
Darcy Dorton:
I think there is more responsibility [for her] because I’ve been able to play my freshman year and I also got to watch alot last year, so I got to learn the game from different perspectives. So hopefully, I’ll be able to bring something that other people haven’t experienced and a different side of leadership.
Katie Slay:
We’re a young team but we’ve had the benefit of learning from alot of great seniors last year. I know I was always watching Arielle Wilson and Fatima Balza and seeing what they were doing, because they both brought different qualities to the table that were really good and I was able to learn alot from them. So I think that this year I can take what I’ve learned and apply it and also help the freshmen with what I’ve learned.