Katie Schumacher-Cawley, Taylor Trammell, Gill Grimes August 27 Press Conference Transcripts

The Penn State women’s volleyball program held its first weekly media availability of the 2024 season Tuesday afternoon before practice at Rec Hall.

Head coach Katie Schumacher-Cawley answered questions in her office ahead of Penn State’s season opener Friday at 6 p.m. ET in Knoxville against Tennessee on ESPNU. Fifth-year senior middle blocker and junior libero/defensive specialist Gill Grimes also discussed the challenges of facing some early-season top-15 opponents and how training camp went for the Nittany Lions.

The early returns on freshmen Izzy Starck and Ava Falduto have been positive, as their teammates were very complimentary of the impact the talented duo has had so far heading into their first official match as Nittany Lions. No. 15 Tennessee is coming off a 26-5 season in 2023 in which the Lady Vols also made it to the Sweet 16, like Penn State, before losing to eventual national champion Texas in five sets in Palo Alto, California.

Penn State was ranked No. 7 in the preseason AVCA poll and was picked to finish third in the conference by the Big Ten’s coaches. Senior outside hitter Jess Mruzik, who was one of three unanimous preseason All-Big Ten selections, was named a captain by Schumacher-Cawley Tuesday. Quinn Menger and Anjelina Starck share that title with Mruzik this fall. The full transcripts of Tuesday’s press conferences can be found below.

Katie Schumacher-Cawley

How would you say training camp went and getting into game-week preparation is going?

“I was really pleased with how the team competed during preseason. I thought they came in in great shape and were ready to go. I know we’re excited to play someone else. It was a longer preseason, but much-needed, and I’m really happy with what they did.”

You just spoke about the fact that it’s been a longer preseason, but that also has given you more time to prepare. How do you feel tackling some of the issues that you guys had last season went this offseason?

“I thought we used our time wisely. The freshmen came in [for the] spring semester, so they were able to train with us in the spring. On our international trip [to Slovenia, Italy, and Greece] in May, everyone was together and got to play and really got to know each other. I think, in general, just them being closer and tighter, we were able to get a lot more done.”

An absolutely loaded non-conference schedule. How are you going about preparing for this?

“I think that the upperclassmen, our seniors, did a great job of being prepared and wanting to have a great preseason. It will test us, but this conference is unforgiving, and I think if we can figure out what we’re doing early, it will help with Big Ten play.”

What’s the process like when you’re making that non-conference schedule? Are you calling other coaches? What does that look like?

“A couple return. Louisville is a return match for us. I really wanted to test the group. I think, like I keep saying, with stronger upperclassmen, I think that it will be a great test for us to see where we’re at.”

You mentioned the freshmen coming in. Is there anybody who you’re looking to see a big jump from, either on the court with their play or off the court, leadership-wise?

“All of our newcomers, Izzy Starck, Ava Falduto, Jordan Hopp, Caroline Jurevicius, and then Maggie Mendelson, all of them but Jordan were here in the spring. The fact that they were just able to be here training, all of them will make an impact this season. I think they’re all great teammates and they fit in really well here at Penn State. I’m excited to see what they can do.”

In your eyes, what has the most important part of the leadership from the returners been?

“I think kind of just setting the tone. The seniors went to back-to-back Sweet 16s and lost, and I think it’s been a goal of theirs to be better than that and to have a better Big Ten season. I think they took some real ownership over the summer in team workouts and just kind of helping the new kids along.”

Following up on that, have you decided on captains yet?

“We did. We have three captains: Jess Mruzik, Quinn Menger, and Anjelina Starck. I’m excited. Three seniors, and all have unique leadership skills and are great people. I’m really proud of them.”

Friday is going to be the first match you guys play. It’s against Tennessee. That’s a pretty strong opener right there considering they also had an above-70-percent winning percentage season [last year]. How confident are you feeling going into that with how you prepared in the offseason?

“They have quite a few new players, so it will be a different look for them. The first match, I think we’ll have a little bit of nerves, but I think with the training that they’ve been doing, they’ve been focused, and I believe we’re ready to go.”

Playing Temple in Philly for the second year in a row, how do you think that will be as far as [going up against] another Pennsylvania opponent? You’re playing both of the other major Pennsylvania programs this year [in Temple and Pitt].

“I think it’s great. I think Temple has done a great job. I think they’re recruiting well and they’re getting better and better. I’m excited to be back there and have some of our local alums be able to come and see us play.”

[Playing in McGonigle Hall rather than the Liacouras Center like last year], do you feel like there are any different implications between fans being there to just playing in a smaller environment?

“No, I think they’ll have a great crowd. I think it’s just about being prepared and being focused.”

What’s your message to the home fans? There were sell-out crowds a couple times last year [against Nebraska and Wisconsin].

“Come back. I think Rec Hall is amazing. I think our wRECking Crew, our fans are always so supportive. We would like to see more of those matches sold-out, but winning always helps. We have to do our part, too.”

You guys have some heavy hitters on the pins. How important will that be to have that firepower?

“Really good. I think Jess [Mruzik] will be one of the best attackers in the country. I think Cam [Hannah], Alexa [Markley], Caroline [Jurevicius], Karis [Willow], and Anj [Starck], we have some heavy arms and some really athletic attackers who will be able to help us score.”

Do you anticipate blocking being a strength of the team again this year?

“Yeah, I think Taylor [Trammell] is a phenomenal blocker and has only gotten better. Maggie [Mendelson], Jordan [Hopp], and Catherine [Burke] have shown great strides in that and I think will really help us.”

Taylor Trammell

How did preseason go? You had a little bit longer preseason this year.

“Yeah, preseason was definitely the longest it’s ever been, but I feel like we all needed it — not only just for our confidence, but I feel like having our team already be together this past spring, and then getting the addition of Jordan [Hopp], it was just really nice. I feel like this is the longest I’ve had with my full team, the full roster, ever, so that was super nice. I think preseason was really productive for all of us. We got the work done. We made it through, we survived, and I’m ready for the real season.”

What are some of the goals that you’ve set, not just for the team, but for yourself heading into this season?

“My goal, myself, is just honestly getting ready for the next step in my volleyball career, which is pro for me. Just pushing myself to be the best version I know on the court, whether that’s skill, mentally, physically, all the above. I think also, as a team, our goal is always to win. We know that we have a pretty tough preseason ahead of us with the teams we’re playing, so I think mentally being prepared for what’s ahead, and just knowing, too, that all the teams we’re playing are in the [top 15]. We have to be able to beat them if we know where we want to end up at the end of the season.”

How did you take the next step in the offseason as a leader for the younger players and transfers?

“I think, just being a leader, I show by example all the time. I just think showing up on time for your teammates, being there for them whenever they need you to, it’s important. Every day we go into South Gym, there’s no AC. It’s hot right now. Being positive, just being that face for them to look up to, is really important. Also, we know we’re leaving them a legacy that they have to follow, and vice-versa, the people before me. It’s important every day to show up and do your best.”

What stands out to you about the two new middles?

“Okay, so both of our [new] middles are actually amazing, if I say so myself. Maggie [Mendelson] is obviously huge. She’s just the most physical player, I mean, with her basketball background and everything. Just her height alone [at 6-foot-5] is obviously going to play a big factor. And then Jordan [Hopp], she’s a fifth-year, she has that IQ level that a lot of middles wish they had. I think both of them, bringing them in together, is a big win for us. I think people need to watch out, for sure, because they’re all good.”

Haleigh Washington [and Micha Hancock] just won silver at the Olympics with Team USA. You play the same position as [Haleigh]. Did her play during the Olympics inspire you?

“Oh, my gosh, the Olympics, overall, this is my first Olympics that I actually had people who I’ve played against [compete]. I’ve played against [Avery] Skinner, I’ve played against [Dana] Rettke, and then having Hancock and Washington here, Penn State alums, it just made it so surreal for us. Anything is possible. The Olympics is actually not that far out of reach. I definitely look up to those girls every day, and seeing, ‘Hey, this could be you in 10-plus years or this could be you in five years.’ It’s just crazy to know that I’ve played against those girls and they were in my shoes not too long ago. The Olympics were amazing, and I’m so happy and excited for how we finished.”

You guys start the season in Tennessee and you have new Big Ten teams across the country. Do you have to prepare differently for all this travel coming up?

“I, personally, think so. I think it’s going to be a lot on our bodies. I already know for the UCLA and USC trip, that’s going to be probably rough with the time change, but I also feel like, mentally, we can handle anything that’s thrown our way. I think a little bit of sleep has never hurt anybody. I think we’ll be fine. Definitely the travel is going to be a little bit rough. Travel for our parents, that family support, I know a lot of us look forward to our families coming. Luckily, my family is coming to California, so that’s super nice. I don’t know, just travel for families is going to be harder, but we’re looking forward to it. I mean, it’s a free trip to LA. I think a lot of the girls are happy. Some of the girls, it’s [going to be] their first time out there, so they’re checking off that box. It’s really nice.”

You’ve had a different starting setter each of the three years you’ve been at Penn State. What stands out about Izzy [Starck] and her play?

“Let me tell you something. This is from my mother, who could care less about volleyball, okay? But my mom believes that Izzy is the most athletic setter at her age that she’s seen in a while. Obviously, being at two schools, [Purdue and Penn State], that says a lot. But Izzy is just so athletic. Her IQ is going to get better with her time here at Penn State. Athletically, she can pass, she can set, she can hit. You guys have to wait until you see the dump. It’s so good. But yeah, I’m excited. Three setters down. Izzy’s definitely going to be the one who I think is going to make a big difference for this program, for sure.”

How important was the international trip as far as team bonding?

“It was super nice to have our full roster there on the trip. That international trip, one, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. A lot of teams don’t get to experience it. It took me five years to get to the trip, so that was super nice. I think us bonding together, not only just with your roommate who you had the whole trip, or just learning things about people you wouldn’t typically learn about [was important]. Also, having that freedom of seeing how we play in different environments and how we can rise to the occasion, where you’re getting challenged by the Italian U22 team. It was crazy, but I think our team definitely got a lot stronger from it, volleyball-wise and mentally, for sure.”

You guys are playing Louisville again and you’re heading back to your hometown of Lexington [to play Kentucky]. What do you think that will be like?

“I’m super excited to play Kentucky. This is my first time. We finally get to go to Kentucky and play them, and Louisville’s coming up here. I’m super excited about the Kentucky game. I’ve been waiting five years to head back home and be able to have that home support. Like I said, it’s super important to me. Being down there in Kentucky, it’s going to be good competition as well. Kentucky won the national championship a few years back [in spring 2021]. They have a really great setter [in Emma Grome]. I’m prepared for the competition. It’s going to be a good environment. They have a new gym, too. I’m excited. I’m looking forward to it.”

What impresses you about Ava [Falduto], your other freshman?

“Ava, let me tell you, she is actually so secretly funny on the team. I think people just don’t know that about her. She’s actually super giggly. Once you get to know her, her personality is super contagious, but also, again, her skill level is insane for her age. She’s playing like a junior or a senior would. As a freshman DS, in a tough environment, fighting for her spot, too, she’s really making herself known in the gym every day. I love little Ava.”

We’re also talking to Gill [Grimes] today. How have you seen her grow and improve?

“Gill is my day-one girl. We came in together and we’ve been playing together for years. Every single year, I feel like her confidence level on the court, she’s taking control of it — every single game, every single play. I think, this year, her being a junior, she’s really stepped into that role of her being the libero. I know that she’s mentally ready for what’s ahead. Nothing is new to her, you know what I mean? She’s played against tough competition. She’s been to the [NCAA] tournament. I have the utmost confidence in her abilities this year.”

Gill Grimes

How would you say preseason training camp went and getting into game-week preparation is going?

“I thought our preseason was tough, which is a good thing. I think that’s what we need, because our schedule is obviously tough. I think that prepared us for this upcoming match [against Tennessee].”

How do you feel about how the defense has improved? You’re obviously a cornerstone of this defense. Do you like what you’ve seen? Anything you would like to see improvements on?

“I think our defense is very solid. I think the block is huge, which helps me out, and it’s easier to dig around them. I think our block has definitely improved. Our littles and the people who are playing backrow are just flying around out there, so I think we really are going to be good this year.”

Is there anything different about this year’s team that you think can help it take the next step?

“I think that our team is somewhat new, but we’ve been playing together for this whole past spring season. I think we have a lot to prove this year, just how we finished last year, so I’m really excited for what this team can do.”

How would you say you’ve grown confidence-wise from your freshman year to now?

“I have a lot of games under my belt, and playing in tough crowds and tough environments has definitely helped with my confidence. Playing with these girls for the past few months has really helped me as a player, too.”

You spoke about your growth. Now that you have more games under your belt, you’re probably going to be looked to more as a leader. What kind of example are you trying to set for the freshmen and the other newer players?

“Yeah, I’m trying to set an example that they can always come to me if they are in tough situations during the game or anything like that. Just a player who’s always going to be playing to their fullest potential and just having fun out there.”

How important will it be to take care of your body this season with a lot of matches back-to-back, especially early on?

“Yeah, I think it’s very important. Scott [Campbell] and [Matt] Dorn really drill that into our brains that we need to be fully recovered if we want to play at our fullest potential.”

Not only [do you have] a bunch of games early in the season, but then you have to travel across the country [to UCLA and USC in late October]. How will you adjust for that?

“Definitely our sleep schedules will be a big deal for that, but I think we’re all pretty excited to travel to new places, too, and play new teams. We’re excited for that.”

Is there anybody who you feel like is going to have a standout year with the new players coming in?

“I think literally all 16 of us will make an impact this year, just like coach [Katie] says all the time, so I’m really excited to see everyone. It’s not going to be only six of us on the court who are going to help this team, so I’m really excited for the new players to have an impact on this team, too.”

Speaking of some of those new players, what’s impressed you about Izzy [Starck] and Ava [Falduto] as freshmen?

“I think they’ve come in with a lot of confidence and I’m really excited to see them play their first couple of matches. I just love the energy that they bring.”

Is there anything on film about Tennessee that stands out to you?

“I think they have some good hitters and they’ve just been a good team all around. They had a good season last year, so I think it will be a good defensive game for us.”

What stands out about your team’s leadership so far? You guys named three captains [in Jess, Quinn, and Anj]. 

“I’m really excited for them and they deserve that. I’m excited to see how that plays out and how their leadership can help us on the court.”

How would you say you’ve improved your serving the last couple years?

“I would definitely say my confidence has been up. Just go for it and rip the ball as hard as I can, so I can get points for our team, too.”

You’ve been a DS and a libero. What are some of the differences between those two positions as far as time on the court, mentality?

“The libero position, I mean, it’s definitely a step ahead of the DS position, because you are taking that leadership. Being the libero on the Penn State team, you have to be proud to be there, so it’s definitely a higher mental game, too, for that.”