Schumacher-Cawley, Mruzik, Hannah Represent Penn State At Big Ten Volleyball Media Days

Katie Schumacher-Cawley, Jess Mruzik, and Camryn Hannah represented Penn State at the third annual Big Ten volleyball media days in Chicago, fielding questions and zipping around to various obligations Monday before a dinner for the conference’s coaches and players at the Navy Pier.

Schumacher-Cawley and her fifth-year senior outside hitters discussed a variety of topics during their press conference Monday afternoon, where they were the second-to-last team to take the podium at Big Ten Network Studios. The trio posed for photos upstairs afterward, as Mruzik and Hannah donned Penn State’s sleeveless blue jerseys while flanking their head coach.

The photoshoot wrapped up a busy slate of studio activities for Penn State’s contingent, including a radio appearance on SiriusXM with former Ohio State and Penn State setter Mac Podraza, who has entered the sports media space in addition to playing professionally in the Pro Volleyball Federation, now as a member of the Omaha Supernovas.

Schumacher-Cawley, Mruzik, and Hannah also spoke about the upcoming 2024 season during TV segments in the Big Ten Network’s revamped studio and created copious amounts of social media content. They had a chance to reunite with friends from around the conference who were among the 36 players representing their teams at the dinner event Monday evening.

Mruzik was one of three unanimous selections on the Big Ten’s preseason all-conference team released last week, joining Nebraska’s Merritt Beason and Lexi Rodriguez. The Nittany Lions were projected to finish third in the Big Ten by a poll of the conference’s head coaches.

Below, you can check out Penn State’s press conference in its entirety, as well as the team’s segment that aired live on Big Ten Network. We also spoke with Mruzik and Hannah in an exclusive interview toward the end of the afternoon. The full transcripts of Penn State’s press conference and our interview can be found underneath the videos.

Press Conference:

BTN TV Segment:

Press Conference Transcript:

Moderator: “It’s your third season. You led the Lions to a third-place finish last year in the conference and an NCAA Sweet 16 appearance. Jess Mruzik, grad student, outside hitter, three-time All-Big Ten first-team selection, and Camryn Hannah, grad student, outside hitter, second-team All-Big Ten. Coach, we’ll let you have an opening statement.”

KSC: “It’s always great to be back in Chicago. It’s a great place. I love it here. Thank you to the Big Ten, the commissioner, everyone involved in this, because it’s such a special event. I’m really excited to have these two with me today. Also, welcome to the four new teams. I’m excited about them. All four coaches are great coaches. They’re great programs and I think they’re going to add a lot to this conference moving forward. Thanks for having us. I’m looking forward to the season. Go Big Ten.”

Last year’s team really gelled and the chemistry increased a lot as the season went on. What are you looking to fine-tune for the beginning of the season?

Mruzik: “We’ve spent a lot of time together in the summer, which I think helped a lot. Last year, we just had a lot of new pieces come in all at the same time in the summer, but we’re lucky that our squad this year has mostly been together since January, since our two freshmen graduated early. We’ve spent a lot of time together and I think that helped boost our chemistry a little bit. Last year, it was just a bit of a mish-mosh of new pieces trying to find their place. I think that was something that we were able to use to our advantage this year, and I think it will help us out in preseason, for sure.”

Jess, what was it like being a part of the [U.S] national team this year, playing in the Dominican Republic, and what did you get out of that experience?

Mruzik: “Yeah, it was super awesome. I’m very grateful to have had that opportunity. It’s awesome to be on the same team, for once, with a lot of those girls. You play against Lexi [Rodriguez], Merritt [Beason], Sarah [Franklin] all the time. It was cool to see them in a different way and be on the same team as them. I learned a lot from them. I think they learned a lot from me, too, I hope. But no, it was awesome. It was a cool experience and I’m grateful to have done it. I’m looking forward to implementing some things that I learned training with them for this season.”

The Olympics are going on right now. Some Nittany Lions are playing in the Games. Do you all have viewing parties? Do you discuss strategy? Do you say, “That could be us one day?” How does that camaraderie happen around these exciting Games?

Hannah: “I think it’s really cool to see people who have played in our gym, and have been in our position, in that position. It gives us more of an incentive to work hard every day, because that could be us one day. I think that’s why we play volleyball, so that little girls look at us and think the same thing. It’s a cool chain of events to watch.”

Mruzik: “Yeah, it’s cool to go to South Gym [in Rec Hall] every single day. It’s hot in there. You sweat it out. You get down and dirty in there. But it’s cool knowing that they went through the same things that we’re doing, and we’re just lucky to be able to uphold their legacy.”

You mentioned the four new teams on the West Coast. What challenges, logistically, does that bring in terms of just potential scheduling and travel, but also, is it exciting to add teams of that caliber to this conference?

KSC: “Yeah, logistically, it’s going to be, I think, a learning experience for everyone in how we’re traveling, but I love competitive volleyball. Like I said earlier, all four teams are going to bring such great talent, even more into this conference. I’m looking forward to it. [They’re] great coaches out there and I’m excited to work with them. It will be exciting.”

Moderator: “Coach, we have some students from Brunson Elementary in Chicago who are aspiring journalists who have a few questions for you.”

My first question is, what was the hardest game you have played?

Hannah: “I would say, mentally, we played Michigan State last year and that was a tough game for us. I think we all were a little bit tired. The season had been wearing on us, so getting through that together was a tough challenge. But I would say, physically, probably the Nebraska match [at Rec Hall] last year, because it was a long match, and it just wore on us on both ends, mentally and physically.”

For the players, how beneficial was that experience overseas [in Slovenia, Italy, and Greece] and what were some of the positives that you guys noticed from your team?

Mruzik: “I think one of the positives was obviously team chemistry. We spent a lot of time together, literally didn’t get a second alone for 12 days, but I think that was great for our team chemistry. We were able to see once-in-a-lifetime things with each other, which is just a great opportunity. It was also cool to see other countries’ style of volleyball. I don’t think that’s something that everyone gets to experience, so it was just interesting to see how different countries play the game.”

Jess, going back to your experience in the D.R. playing with Sarah [Franklin] and other Big Ten foes, what is the balance or awkwardness of being friends with them and learning from them there and, now, being competitors and dealing with that when you see them on match day?

Mruzik: “Yeah, I think there’s just this level of respect and understanding that we have for one another, and we really appreciate each other and how much we all put into volleyball and our craft. There definitely is like a weird balance when we play them. Obviously, I want to beat them and they want to beat us, but there’s never any sort of disrespect between us or anything like that. I think that’s pretty cool and unique, and I don’t think you find that in every sport.”

Katie, we saw the potential last year where the national championship match had two freshmen setters. You brought Izzy [Starck] in. What do you view as the challenges that she’ll face to start her college career? For the players afterward, what have your impressions been getting to know her early on?

KSC: “I think Izzy is a phenomenal player. I think she’s going to do great. But it’s always learning. [There’s] always a learning curve, whether you’re a freshman or a senior. I think these guys are still learning some new things about the game. I thought she had a great spring, did a really good job in the weight room this summer, and I’m looking forward to seeing what she’s going to do. I know with the senior leaders who we have, I know they’ll help her along the way, and I think that’s really important.”

Hannah: “I think that Izzy is a phenomenal player, whether she’s a freshman or four years down the road when she’s a senior. I think she’s come in and she’s taken on her role commandingly. I love to watch her grow and learn [about] us as players, as well as learning how to communicate with us, because we’re older than her and that’s kind of awkward sometimes, but we’re trying to push her to be more vocal and be herself on the court, because that’s what’s going to help us get to those national championship games like you discussed.”

Mruzik: “Yeah, I mean, it’s a hard role to take on as a freshman, just coming in and being a starter, let alone being the freshman setter, and she’s done such a good job. She never complains, never talks about it. She just loves her role, loves her job. She loves learning, which I think is super cool, because as a freshman, you do have a lot of learning to do. We still have learning to do, which coach mentioned.”

For the players, what impresses you about Caroline [Jurevicius] and Maggie [Mendelson]? What have they brought to the team?

Hannah: “I think Caroline brings a lot of punch to the ball. I mean, I watch her hit and I’m like, ‘I would not want to be on the other end of that ever.’ I think Maggie is the exact same way. Both of them bring such a strong work ethic to our gym that it forces everyone to work harder. That’s exactly what we want [when] bringing in new players. I think they’ve been great additions, and they will continue to be.”

I’ll follow up on that. Coach, what was the recruitment of Caroline like? Did you have to sell her on Penn State or did you rely on her dad, [Penn State alum Joe Jurevicius], for that?

KSC: “I’m just happy we got her the second time around. We recruited Caroline the first time [out of high school], and she made her decision [to attend Nebraska]. After she went into the portal, we had her on campus, and she knew it was the right decision for her. I’m sure her dad helped a little bit. I know he wanted her to make that decision. She’s been amazing.”

What’s a team goal for this upcoming season?

Mruzik: “Win the natty.”

Hannah: “Mic drop.”

Coach, it’s your third year into this now. Talk me through, when you took over this position, what your expectations were then and how they’ve come to fruition. Some changes, some differences, and maybe some good, unexpected things that have happened along the way.

KSC: “The expectations are always high at Penn State. For me, it’s still to honor the alums and all of the work that Coach [Russ] Rose did to put Penn State where it is today. It’s to continue to recruit great players who are great student-athletes, great people, and are really great for the game. I think I’m always learning, too. That never ends. I think learning from other coaches — and just being able to be with this group and help this group as much as I can — I want them to leave and be happy about what they’ve done and be excited about their future.”

Has there ever been a time where you think you didn’t perform as well [as you would have liked]? Describe it. 

KSC: “That’s a good question.”

Hannah: “Absolutely. You have your best days and you have your worst days. But I think that’s the beauty of playing at this level is that you can rely on your teammates to be there for you when you’re not having your best day. You can give yourself time to work your way out of that. It doesn’t have to be like, ‘I’m having the worst day ever and I’m going to continue to have the worst day ever.’ It can be like, ‘I can take a second off and my teammates can kind of pick up the slack for me a little bit until I’m mentally ready and I’m giving it 100 percent of what I have in that moment.'”

Camryn and Jess, you guys have been around the Big Ten for a little while. Aside from your home gym, where’s your favorite place to play?

Mruzik: “I really enjoy playing at Nebraska. I think what that state does for the sport of volleyball is super awesome. I love their environment. It’s a cool place to play. It’s loud. A lot of people don’t like it, but I really do like it.”

Hannah: “I think my favorite place to play is Northwestern, just because I’m from Chicago, so a lot of my family gets to come to that match. Gym-wise, I think Minnesota is a really easy place to make yourself comfortable, and, for that reason, it would be my favorite.”

Coach, what have you seen from Gill [Grimes], Ava [Falduto], and the other DSs this offseason?

KSC: “I think they’ve done a really good job of pushing each other. I think this will probably be one of the most competitive gyms we’ve had in a bit. I think they work really hard, they push each other, and they help each other to get better, too. It will be exciting. Each of them will make an impact on the season.”

What would you say is something you guys need to improve a lot?

Mruzik: “I think just our consistency. I think that’s something that can always be improved. We talk about not having super-high highs or super-low lows, just finding that happy medium. You can beat a lot of good [teams] playing just good volleyball. You don’t have to play great or perfect every single night. Just getting back to good.”

Coach, I know it’s not finalized, but the House settlement could change the way college sports operate. How do you see the potential it has to impact volleyball?

KSC: “Yeah, it’s going to be a wild world. It’s wild now. I’m hopeful with how big volleyball is that we’ll be taken care of and that we can continue to do what we do, and that these athletes get the support that they do. Thanks to the Big Ten and all of the media outlets that play us and give us that exposure. I’m hopeful volleyball will continue to grow, and even bigger.”

For the players, what went into deciding to come back for a fifth year? How would you gauge your comfort level now in year two with the program?

Hannah: “I don’t think I ever had to decide. I love playing at Penn State. If they gave me six more years, I’ll play six more years. I think it’s just fun. The environment at Rec Hall, the people who I get to play with, the experiences that I’ve had, taking a foreign trip, that stuff is fun. I’ll keep doing it as long as I can.”

Mruzik: “Yeah, I don’t think we want to grow up quite yet, so it was a very easy decision for us to come back. Like Cam said, it’s an awesome place to play. Being able to play there for five months just didn’t seem like that was enough time for us.”

Katie, double contact and two liberos. What’s your perspective?

KSC: “The double contact. Well, I’m glad they switched it, because we ran into some problems a couple years ago with our setting situation. The two-libero rule? I don’t know. It’s hard enough for me to get one. I don’t know if we’re going to have two to be able to flip like that. Double contact? I’m happy about that.”

Coach, what’s something you do to make sure your team comes out on top?

KSC: “That’s a good question. I think it’s how you prepare as a coach. I have an awesome staff. But I think knowing that the coaching staff is committed to the team, we go above and beyond for these ladies and help them prepare as much as we can. My goal is to help them be as prepared as they can to compete and put them in a position that they feel comfortable with what they’re doing and how hard they work. I want them to be successful.”

For the players, what impresses you about each other’s game? How valuable is it to have each other to lean on?

Mruzik: “We were just talking about this. We just push each other every day. I think, obviously, physically she’s a great player. We balance each other out really well. I’m pretty intense and she’s pretty chill, so I think we have a good dynamic there. But I think we help each other out a lot more mentally. I think we have a good relationship. If I’m struggling, I can go to her and ask for help and just be like, ‘Hey, I’m struggling. I need you to kind of pick up my slack a little bit here.’ She knows I’ll work my way out of it, and vice-versa.”

Hannah: “I think Jess has a smörgåsbord of different tools in her toolkit, so I think learning from her and being able to watch her do things, I’m like, ‘How did she do that?’ And then I ask her and she’ll tell me. It doesn’t have to be a competition all the time. We can learn from each other, and that’s the best environment to be in.”

Moderator: “We have time for one more.”

This question is for Camryn. Being a local Chicago product, going to Marist [High School] on the South Side, what’s your motivating words to the youth at home playing in club, going around the area, who maybe one day want to be in your shoes?

Hannah: “Actually, one thing we were talking about is that club was so long ago, and it seems like when you’re in it, it’s the only thing that ever matters. I think club doesn’t have to be this daunting thing where everything that you do is being watched. It can be fun. Have fun with the sport and go play volleyball at different places and learn from different people, because that’s the way to get better. Not just working at the same thing every day, but learning new things and improving on those.”

Moderator: “Katie, Jess, Camryn, thanks so much. We appreciate it. Good luck this season.”

Mruzik and Hannah Interview Transcript:

Jess, what was your experience like today? I know this was your second time here [at Big Ten volleyball media days]. How did it compare to the first experience [in 2022]?

Mruzik: “It was cool to see that everything was bigger and better. The foundations were really the same, but they’ve just found unique ways to make it better, which is cool to see. It’s awesome and it makes me excited for the people who get to come to this in the future.”

Cam, this was your first time [being invited to this event]. What was it like?

Hannah: “It was really cool. It was awesome to see what the hype is around some of our games and also get to see other people who play in this conference and answer some questions. It’s awesome.”

What are you most looking forward to about getting preseason [training camp] underway here soon?

Mruzik: “Honestly, just starting. We’re really antsy to start. The anticipation is starting to build up and we’re really excited.”

When do you check in for camp?

Mruzik: “Wednesday we start our meetings and we have our first lift, and then Thursday we’ll start practice.”

What has stood out to you about Izzy [Starck] and Ava [Falduto] this offseason?

Mruzik: “Just how mature they are. They’re young and they came in from high school early, so they’re a lot younger than us, but they’re super mature, they learn well, and they ask questions. That’s really all you can ask for.”

Cam, anything in particular that stands out about them?

Hannah: “I think their work ethic. They always want to be in the gym, and that means a lot to us. Looking at that as seniors, it means a lot that they’re dedicated as much as we are, because sometimes it takes a long time for you to get that level of commitment, and they have that right away, which is great.”

What are some things that you two know about Penn State now that maybe you didn’t a year ago [when you first arrived]?

Mruzik: “I think I always knew how much support people had for Penn State and Penn State volleyball and how much people loved it, but after going through a season and doing all the booster club events and just talking to more people, you really don’t understand it until you’re in it.”

What are some things you two are personally working on heading into your fifth season?

Mruzik: “Honestly, there’s something in every skill that I’m working on, but just more of like my mindset and trying to take care of myself a little bit more this season, mentally, physically, emotionally, stuff like that, so I can be the best volleyball player and set myself up for the future as well.”

Hannah: “I think, for me, it will be serve-receive and defense-focused this season. I think, offensively, I know that I can bring it and perform for my teammates in that way, but I would like to bring something else to my game.”

What are some things that stand out about Jordan [Hopp]?

Mruzik: “Her work ethic. She just wants to get after it. She wants to be in the gym all the time, which is not surprising to me at all, because she’s super mature and she’s a great volleyball player. But she’s also just a great person.”

Hannah: “I think also her speed on the court. She’s really fast. She reads the court very well and quickly, which is a big asset for us, because it kind of forces the rest of us to get on board with that and get better.”

What advice do you have for her and the other newcomers as far as playing in Rec Hall?

Mruzik: “Embrace it and soak it all in, because it really is special. I mean, I’ve only played there for one season, but I’m already looking forward to this season. It sucks that it’s my last one, so I’m going to soak it all in while I can.”

Hannah: “I agree. I second that. Just soak it all in. You never know when it’s going to be your last game. It comes quickly.”

How would you describe the camaraderie of this year’s team?

Mruzik: “We’re pretty close-knit. The foreign trip definitely helped with that. We spent a lot of time together. We were all here over the summer. We’re just really eager to get going. We know it’s a special group that can do special things this year, so that’s the first step.”

What has Coach Mike [Henchy] brought to the team?

Hannah: “Oh, my god, Mike is so smart, and he’s so good at coaching us in a way that doesn’t make us feel belittled. Some men, that’s what you get from them. Not saying that anyone on our coaching staff is like that, but that’s what you get from some men. Mike is really good at teaching us more of what we already know and not bringing something brand new to the table, but just trying to better us and what we have already.”

Mruzik: “Yeah, I think he did a good job, too, not coming in and saying too much too quickly, like lickety-split walking in here and being too overwhelming. It was kind of nice for him to feel it out, us to feel him out a little bit. He’s been a great add.”

What are you looking forward to about the dinner tonight [for the players and coaches at the Navy Pier]?

Mruzik: “The food. I know the food’s going to be amazing. I’m a big foodie.”

What’s it been like getting to interact with some of the other Big Ten student-athletes?

Hannah: “I think it’s really cool. I know a lot of these girls from club or just from playing volleyball in general, because the volleyball world is so small. It’s cool to get to see everybody, and if I don’t know them already, to get to meet them and see how they interact off the court, because on the court people can be really different.”

What are some of your favorite things about being home in Chicago?

Hannah: “Definitely the food, 100 percent. The food variety. I think just being around my family. I love being around them. It’s so comforting just to be able to take a step back, take a break, and remember why I started playing volleyball. I play for these people, to inspire the younger kids who I know. It’s cool to be able to come back and give that back to them.”

Who are some of the [Penn State] players who maybe we don’t talk about a lot who have impressed you this offseason?

Mruzik: “I think Gill [Grimes]. I think she’s made really big strides. I definitely think she’s underrated in the grand scheme of liberos.”

What have you noticed from your team’s right-sides and some of the options that you have there?

Mruzik: “Like Katie was [saying] today, our roster is so deep, which is so awesome. Really, anyone can play anywhere, which is great, but it also sparks a lot of competition in our gym, which you have to embrace at this point. We’re at Penn State. We’re in the Big Ten. You have to embrace that. They’re very versatile, they want to learn, and they want to be the best they can be, so I think that’s a huge plus.”

What stands out about your team’s middle blockers?

Hannah: “Oh, my god, each of them brings something so different to the table. I think it will be so challenging, like Jess said. We have so much competition. It will be so challenging for Katie to put together a [lineup], because truly everybody deserves to be out there. This will be a season where our [lineup] is constantly changing, and we’re going to use everybody, because we need everyone to win.”

How have you seen Katie grow in her confidence as a head coach?

Mruzik: “She’s just starting to get a little bit more vocal. I think that also inspires Megan [Hodge Easy], Brian [Toron], and Mike [Henchy] to get a little bit more vocal as well, which we’ve kind of been asking [for]. Megan was the same way when she came in. She didn’t want to overstep and say too much, which we totally understand, but we want to hear her two cents, because obviously she was literally insane [as a player]. We want that feedback, and it’s been nice getting that from Katie as well.”

What are some of the biggest lessons that you learned last season that you can take into this fall?

Hannah: “Not to take any games for granted. You can’t walk into any game thinking that this is going to be a cakewalk or thinking that they don’t have any big players, because everybody can bring something to the table. If you underestimate them, they will take advantage of it.”

What do you think it will be like adding those West Coast schools to the conference?

Mruzik: “I think it will be cool for us, because we only have one year left. If it turns out to be a logistical nightmare, we only get to deal with it for a year, so it’s a fun little experiment that we get to go through. I think it will be awesome. They’ll bring something to the table and they’ll see what Big Ten volleyball is like.”

What are you most looking forward to about heading down to Knoxville to get the season started?

Hannah: “I’m excited that my family is going to be there. I’ve never played at Tennessee, so that’s going to be cool.”